Publications of interest
Publications related to the topics of this portal, plus earlier editions of Health in the Americas.
Regional data portal: PAHO's initiative to eliminate communicable diseases in the Americas
The Elimination Initiative regional data portal consolidates data from various sources for over 30 diseases and conditions in the Americas. This portal provides crucial information on end-point elimination indicators and targets, helping to assess the Elimination Initiative and track progress toward elimination targets at both regional and country levels.
Gendered Health Analysis: COVID-19 in the Americas

This document focus on the direct consequences of the virus (morbidity and mortality) in specific populations and on the results of measures aimed at mitigating the spread of the virus, with indirect impacts on socio-economic conditions.
COVID-19: An Informative Guide. Advice for Journalists

This document offers tools to help journalists practice responsible coverage of the pandemic using evidence-based information. It also proposes ways to approach coverage and encourages journalists to provide advice and ...
Access to Essential Medicines for Noncommunicable Diseases during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Appropriate and adequate management of people with noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) includes access to essential NCD medicines. Disrupted access to chronic medication for hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, mental health ...
Alcohol and COVID-19 in the Americas

This fact sheet highlights the relationship between alcohol consumption and COVID-19. Heavy episodic drinking is considered a health risk for COVID-19, and alcohol is used by some to cope with difficult emotions that increased during the pandemic...
Publications on Potentially Avoidable Premature Mortality
Basic guidelines for the analysis of mortality

This publication presents historical background and current approaches to mortality analysis. Despite the problems entailed in using mortality to study health, mortality data are usually available and are widely used to measure population health.
Enhancing COVID-19 Mortality Surveillance in Latin America and the Caribbean through All-Cause Mortality Surveillance

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) on improving COVID-19 mortality surveillance.1 The document expands on methods for the analysis of all-cause mortality as one of the proposed...
NCDs at a Glance: NCD Mortality and Risk Factor Prevalence in the Americas

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), principally cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases, are the leading causes of death, and are responsible for approximately 80% of all deaths in the Region of the Americas.
Health of Women and Men in the Americas

The information presented in this document shows that inequalities persist throughout the entire Region of the Americas—and that they are more profound in the most vulnerable groups.
Health in the Americas Archives
- Health in the Americas 2017
Health in the Americas+ 2017 is the fifteenth installment of the Pan American Health Organization’s flagship publication, published since 1956. This edition comes at a unique moment in time, detailing the transition from Millennium to Sustainable Development Goals.
- Health in the Americas 2012
The 2012 edition is the 15th since the publication was launched in 1954; it will be presented to the 28th Pan American Sanitary Conference, which coincides with the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). This edition mainly focuses on the 2006–2010 period.
- Health in the Americas 2007 - Volume I
The 2007 edition of Health in the Americas offers an updated, comprehensive presentation of the health situation throughout the hemisphere generally and specifically in the 46 countries and territories of the Americas, and it describes and analyzes the progress, constraints, and challenges of PAHO Member States in their efforts to improve the health of the peoples of the Region.
- Health in the Americas 2007 - Volume II
The 2007 edition of Health in the Americas offers an updated, comprehensive presentation of the health situation throughout the hemisphere generally and specifically in the 46 countries and territories of the Americas, and it describes and analyzes the progress, constraints, and challenges of PAHO Member States in their efforts to improve the health of the peoples of the Region.
- Health in the Americas 2002 - Volume I
On this centennial year of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), I am pleased to present the quadrennial publication Health in the Americas, 2002 edition. With this publication, PAHO continues to respond to Member States’ mandate to analyze and disseminate information on health situation and trends in the Region of the Americas.
- Health in the Americas 2002 - Volume II
On this centennial year of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), I am pleased to present the quadrennial publication Health in the Americas, 2002 edition. With this publication, PAHO continues to respond to Member States’ mandate to analyze and disseminate information on health situation and trends in the Region of the Americas.
- Health in the Americas - 1998 - Volume I
A key function of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is to disseminate information on the health situation and trends in the Region of the Americas. The Organization has performed this function without interruption since 1956, the first year in which an assessment of the health status of the population in the Americas was published.
- Health in the Americas 1998 - Volume II
A key function of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is to disseminate information on the health situation and trends in the Region of the Americas. The Organization has performed this function without interruption since 1956, the first year in which an assessment of the health status of the population in the Americas was published.
- Health Conditions in the Americas 1994 Volume I
The 1994 edition of Health Conditions in the Americas is the eleventh in a series of quadrennial reports published since 1954 to document the changes and advances in health achieved by the Member and Participating Governments of the Pan American Health Organization. This document informs the XXIV Pan American Sanitary Conference about the health status of the peoples in the Region, as perceived by the Organization's Secretariat.
- Health Conditions in the Americas 1994 Volume II
The 1994 edition of Health Conditions in the Americas is the eleventh in a series of quadrennial reports published since 1954 to document the changes and advances in health achieved by the Member and Participating Governments of the Pan American Health Organization.
- Health Conditions in the Americas - 1990 Volume I
Health Conditions in the Americas, 1990 edition, is the tenth publication in a series of quadrennial reports issued since 1954 as a way to document the health progress attained by the Member Governments of the Pan American Health Organization. This publication also presents to the XXIII Pan American Sanitary Conference an assessment of the health status of the Region’s population in terms of the goal of health for all by the year 2000.
- Health Conditions in the Americas - 1990 Volume II
Health Conditions in the Americas, 1990 edition,is the tenth publication in a series of quadrennial reports issued since 1954 as a way to document the health progress attained by the Member Governments of the Pan American Health Organization. This publication also presents to the X X III Pan American Sanitary Conference an assessment o f the health status of the Regions' population in terms of the goal of health for all by the year 2000.
- Health Conditions in the Americas 1981-1984 Volume I
Health Conditions in the Americas, 1981-1984 is the most recent in a series of quadrennial reports, dating back to 1954, that summarize the status of people's health in the Region and that are presented every four years to the Pan American Sanitary Conference. This particular publication documents the progress made by Member Countries of the Pan American Health Organization toward meeting their collective goal of health for all by the year 2000.
- Health Conditions in the Americas 1981-1984 Volume II
Health Conditions in the Americas, 1981-1984 is the most recent in a series of quadrennial reports, dating back to 1954, that summarize the status of people's health in the Region and that are presented every four years to the Pan American Sanitary Conference. This particular publication documents the progress made by Member Countries of the Pan American Health Organization toward meeting their collective goal of health for all by the year 2000.
- Health Conditions in the Americas 1977-1980
This report on Health Conditions in the Americas, 1977-1980 covers the period of transition between the end of the program set forth in the Ten-Year Health Plan for the Americas1(1970-1980) and the beginning of the new hemispheric commitment to achieve health for all by the year 2000.
- Health Conditions in the Americas 1973-1976
Health Conditions in the Americas, 1973-1976 is the seventh in a series on the subject prepared for successive Pan American Sanitary Conferences. It is based on data submitted by the Governments of the Americas and would not have been possible without the support and collaboration of the Ministers of Health, and the continued dedication and effort of thousands of individuals who collect and tabu late data in the countries of the Region.
- Health Conditions in the Americas 1969-1972
The first report on Health Conditions in the Americas was prepared for the XIV Pan American Sanitary Conference in 1954 and one has been presented to each succeeding Conference. The publication for the XVIII Conference in 1970 provided information for the years 1965- 1968 and the present report covers the years 1969-1972.
- Health Conditions in the Americas 1965-1968
Beginning with the XIV Pan American Sanitary Conference in 1954 a four-year report on health conditions in the Americas has been prepared for each Conference. The present report for the XVIII Pan American Sanitary Conference covers the years 1965-1968.
- Health Conditions in the Americas 1961-1964
In the Americas the doctrine has become established to consider health a social service, a component of general development and progress. The Governments of the Americas have agreed to fulfill within the decade beginning in 1962 a series of objectives to prevent disease, to provide timely treatment and rehabilitation for the sick and to promote well being.
- Summary of Four-Year Reports on Health Conditions in the Americas 1957-1960
A synthesis of health conditions in the Americas for the period 1957-1960 has been prepared from data provided by the Governments. This presentation includes vital and health statistics, trends of prevailing problems and the resources usually employed with special attention to personnel and investments for health services.
- Summary of Four-Year Reports on Health Conditions in the Americas - 1954-1956
The Pan American Sanitary Code and the Constitution of the Pan American Sanitary Organization provide for the exchange of information regarding the prevention of disease and preservation of health in the Western Hemisphere. For the Pan American Sanitary Conferences which are held every four years the Member States have provided reports of health conditions during the preceding four years.
- Summary of Reports on the Health Conditions in the Americas - 1950-1953
For planning of health programs in the Americas, measurement of the problems is essential. Progress in health work requires basic information regarding the population being served, the health conditions in the countries, and the medical resources and needs.